118 Rand Paul: A Brave Marine Lt. Colonel Whistleblower Revealed that *15 US Agencies* Knew COVID-19 Was Created in Lab in 2018 – But They Kept It Secret from American Public! (www.thegatewaypundit.com) 🖕TREASON! 🖕 posted 333 days ago by PowderRoomPolitics 333 days ago by PowderRoomPolitics +118 / -0 Rand Paul: A Brave Marine Lt. Colonel Stepped Forward and Revealed that 15 US Agencies Knew COVID-19 Was Created in Lab in 2018 ... Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), who happens to be a US Senator and a Doctor of Ophthalmology, released a stunning report on Tuesday where he discovered that 15 different federal agencies knew that the Wuhan laboratory in China was trying to create a COVID-19 vir... 6 comments share 6 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Treason, plain and simple.