Please note: I believe this is being pushed because the satanists want to publicly display their grown embryo combinations of human/animal species, the ability to eat these human/animal species, then the normalization of caging/eating humans who will have been reduced to animal status. This is a much more diabolical intent than what appears on surface. It is not harmless. This is why stem cell experiments should not be allowed. There's no way the creeps aren't growing them out into tortured human/animal beings.
Please note: I believe this is being pushed because the satanists want to publicly display their grown embryo combinations of human/animal species, the ability to eat these human/animal species, then the normalization of caging/eating humans who will have been reduced to animal status. This is a much more diabolical intent than what appears on surface. It is not harmless. This is why stem cell experiments should not be allowed. There's no way the creeps aren't growing them out into tortured human/animal beings.