Also, the kind of men society breeds is dictated by what women want. Women wanted "soft" men, so they got whiny, emotional, weak men who laze about playing video games all day, drinking soy milk and eating sugar infested food, and they wonder why there are no more "good men" out there!
And as a woman myself trying desperately to look for a "good man" it's almost impossible because selfish, spoiled, feminist women have ruined it for the rest of us! Now it feels like I'll be alone forever thanks to other women wanting to "take over." Anyone else feel this way?
You can still find some good men in a good church. ⛪️ The closer the church is to sound Biblical teachings, the more likely that you will find a good man there.
Trust me I have been looking there. In fact, it's the only place I look, and even there many of the men have been weakened by the same things. Plus trying to find one who didn't take the vax is another obstacle to get past. All I can do is keep praying.
Thank you fren. I do need prayers especially in this time, not just to find a good man, but for many other issues that have been stressing me out lately. Thank you so much for your consideration. I will add you to my prayers too.
Also, the kind of men society breeds is dictated by what women want. Women wanted "soft" men, so they got whiny, emotional, weak men who laze about playing video games all day, drinking soy milk and eating sugar infested food, and they wonder why there are no more "good men" out there!
And as a woman myself trying desperately to look for a "good man" it's almost impossible because selfish, spoiled, feminist women have ruined it for the rest of us! Now it feels like I'll be alone forever thanks to other women wanting to "take over." Anyone else feel this way?
You can still find some good men in a good church. ⛪️ The closer the church is to sound Biblical teachings, the more likely that you will find a good man there.
Trust me I have been looking there. In fact, it's the only place I look, and even there many of the men have been weakened by the same things. Plus trying to find one who didn't take the vax is another obstacle to get past. All I can do is keep praying.
God will deliver in His time. I will add you to my prayer list even if I never learn the outcome.
Thank you fren. I do need prayers especially in this time, not just to find a good man, but for many other issues that have been stressing me out lately. Thank you so much for your consideration. I will add you to my prayers too.