Prior to vaccine : Measles dropped to less than 2% hospitalization. Mumps even lower. Rubella primarily an issue for pregnant women , causes fetal/child deafness.
I had a great party when I had the mumps, neighbors want their kids to get it over with.
When I had the measles less fun but much better than the flu.
In poor countries or the depression , childhood poor nutrition led to higher hospitalization & death rates.
Prior to vaccine : Measles dropped to less than 2% hospitalization. Mumps even lower. Rubella primarily an issue for pregnant women , causes fetal/child deafness.
I had a great party when I had the mumps, neighbors want their kids to get it over with.
When I had the measles less fun but much better than the flu.
In poor countries or the depression , childhood poor nutrition led to higher hospitalization & death rates.