👉🏻 Link to yesterday’s post.
Holy Father, I once again woke up to the root of the Altstadt covered with a shallow veil of snow. There’s nothing wrong regarding this town’s altitude and its proximity to the Alps. Watching the snow from within a warm flat is a beautiful and relaxing thing. I praise You for our beautiful world and I pray I righteously keep doing my part in keeping it the beauty it is.
Today we celebrate Acepsimas of Hnaita.
Acepsimas was the bishop of Hnaita, residing at Paka in western Persia. He and several companions, including the priest Joseph of Bet-Katoba, who was then 70 years old, and the deacon Aitillaha of Bet-Nuhadra, who was then 66 years old, were arrested by Shapur II for refusing to worship according to the Zoroastrian faith. Acepsimas was taken in chains to Arbela (modern Erbil) before the governor. This judge admired how he could deny the divinity of the sun, which all the East adored. The martyr answered him, expressing his astonishment how men could prefer a creature to the Creator. By the orders of the governor he was laid on the ground with his feet bound, and in that posture barbarously scourged, till his whole body was covered with blood. He was then thrown into prison. Acepsimas endured three years of prison before he was racked and whipped to death on October 10, 376. Joseph was taken to Hdajab where he was tortured until he was stoned to death by apostate Christians at Tabaha on the Friday after Pentecost, 377. Aithalla was stoned to death at Destegerd on November 3, 377. They were the last martyrs of the Christian persecution of Shapur II. The book of their acts, which has survived, is said to be genuine.
Today’s Deltas
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- 1267 = 17 × 74 + 9
## From https://findthefactors.com/2018/10/26/1267-frankenstein-mystery/
- 1267 = 7 × 181
- 1267 is the sum of nine consecutive prime numbers: 113 + 127 + 131 + 137 + 139 + 149 + 151 + 157 + 163 = 1267
- 1267 is the hypotenuse of a Pythagorean triple: 133-1260-1267
## From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1000_(number)#1200_to_1299
- 7-Knödel number
- diamerismos: (1) a parting, distribution (2) disunion, dissension
## Matching Bible verse
- Luk 12:51: Do you think I have come to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division!
- Psalm 113:9: He grants the barren woman a home, Like a joyful mother of children. Praise the LORD!
Q DROP #1267
👉🏻 https://qalerts.app/?q=%231267
See you tomorrow, Frens!🤓
I am praying for the Good Lord’s protection of your work.🙏🏻
Thank you. I need all the veggies I can get.