Hmm, personally I think they can see the writing on the wall.. .IF they tried this during a run of 'disease X' citizens will hit the streets and not go home unitl their actors in the govt were hanging from trees. Too many people are awake now and they are MAD AS HELL!
Damn straight they did.
Wanna know why?
Q told us many times.
They have it ALL.
They've got the Global Cabal's balls in a vice. Back downs like this are evidence that the vice is tightening and the pain is being applied.
Hmm, personally I think they can see the writing on the wall.. .IF they tried this during a run of 'disease X' citizens will hit the streets and not go home unitl their actors in the govt were hanging from trees. Too many people are awake now and they are MAD AS HELL!
God I hope so. Keep praying, we've a long way to go.