COVER-UP EXPOSED: Judge Cannon Unmasks Redacted Documents Revealing Biden White House Direct Ties to Mar-a-Lago Raid, Jack Smith Investigation
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The security clearance for a former POTUS is terminated??? Who the fuck let that happen, and let it happen in the dark? This kind of egregious shit just keeps happening over and over and no one does a damned thing! How much more Bolshevikarian shit needs to happen? This is insanity. The list of exposed fuckery is getting LOOOONG. From all the Covidiosy, Chinese ballons over military bases, Mexican cartels sneaking Chinese MEN into our country, Trump indicted on 6500 counts of horse shit, Pedos fucking everywhere, Congress raping our currency, Biden cant fucking walk a straight line, OVERTLY picking a fight with Russia then blaming them for it?
Damn it frens … someone needs to define “The Precipice”, because if you asked me, we shot past that fucker already.