22 Does anyone see what I see in the spiral design of the new Smithsonian Institution, National Air and Space Museum,Construct Integrated, Bezos Learning Center? (www.cfa.gov) posted 10 months ago by exspecto 10 months ago by exspecto +22 / -0 8 comments share 8 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I don't normally help out lazy posters but the generic link has nothing there to find anything. So I just googled the place and clicked on images, found the sphere clicked on visit the website so you can have a link to see it.
Looks like a rod from God!
Lazy. Maybe. a Wiki user. No. FOIA reading room scanner. Yes.
Check the actual booklet put out by the US Commission of Fine Arts https://www.cfa.gov/system/files/meeting-materials/1-CFA%2018APR24-1-SI-NASM-BezosLC_book.pdf
It takes a while to load.
Did it not come up? Sorry but it's on the Commission of Fine Arts Homepage (https://www.cfa.gov/records-research/record-cfa-actions/2024/04/cfa-meeting)
found on the US CFA Meeting site for 18 APRIL 2024. https://www.cfa.gov/records-research/record-cfa-actions/2024/04/cfa-meeting