My dad was diagnosed as type 2 several years ago. He manages with insulin daily. He has had a stint put in to help his arteries stay clear of plaque and his doc wants his LDL level to go down a lot.
Problem is, the heart doc says no red meat or animal products, but the sugar doc says no carbs or fruits. That doesn’t leave much to live on.
I’m inclined to think sugar is worse of the two, so maybe animals fat is a better choice. However, living with high sugar can be managed better than the chance or a heart attack.
If any of you have any thoughts or suggestions about supplements or meds or diet options, I would love to hear them.
Thanks frens!!!
Heat issues look at this this link and use it to do your research on DMSO. For diabetes thoroughly research MMS. What these names mean is included in the linked information.
If I can answer any question you might have, just ask.
For example if you look just at the MMS Testimonials, their are 30 testimonials on use of MMS for diabetes. And this is old forum. There are probably many many more on the new forums, but their on platforms I do not access.
If you look at the MMS Health Recovery Guide Book link, you will find information on Diabetes. Watch The Universal Antidote - MMS Documentary to understand the healing potential of MMS. Use the other links to do your own research so you come to understand this.