Something important I think the board needs to hear to help keep this war in perspective:
T total depravity: we are inherently sinful
U unconditional atonement: we need to pay nothing for forgiveness (indeed we cannot)
L limited atonement: not all are saved
I irresistible grace: once called, your eyes will be open, you won’t be able to shut them anymore
P perseverance of the saints: we will face difficulties in this world, since our enemies consist of our own selves, other sinners and the devil himself.
I say this because fixing our government (even permanently) does not solve the God sized hole in our hearts, and there’s no good within ourselves apart from God. This is important to remember as we continue the battle, to know none of us earned salvation or righteousness so we ought to show grace for those not yet awake.
And that, my friends, is true strength.
This is precisely why Christianity never worked in most of Asia. The concept of inherent sin and default evil is not easy to translate or explain. Truth be told, I am not on board. I realize original sin has been a debate forever but the deeper in Q and the further on my Christian walk I am, the more that I feel original sin is a cabal lie.
Then there is the L. This is where Calvinists and Jehovah's witnesses get their concepts of the elect, and that concept has created more atheist than just about anything in theology. I acknowledge that unensouled people exist and there is an outright difference between higher and lower domain humans..
BUT, I do believe salvation is a potential for every soul just like awakening and not being 4-6% is also a possibility for anyone who choose to cross the wall of fire and bear the burden of truth.
I am not trying to be combative but I am sure of one thing, when the awakening comes Christians will have to face the idea so many of the tenets of Christianity they use in the practicing of the "religion" itself are ancient lies, and that modern clergy leaders and government itself have used these lies to manipulate them and society at large.
One person below has it right, a certain set of theology only leads to nihilism, and nihilism is the #1 tool of the cabal
If you believe the Bible, there are a number of passages on “the names in the book of life” or how “God predestined those he chooses to save” and a number of other VERY obvious cues of “elect” people. The OT shows this as a whole, where God had a chosen nation, with a few outsiders grafted in, provided they were fully enveloped in levitical laws. That is a foreshadowing of people into heaven. God pulls in His chosen people, no longer a race, but those who love him and worship him through Jesus his son, our savior (without him, we would have no “legal” access to God).