Something important I think the board needs to hear to help keep this war in perspective:
T total depravity: we are inherently sinful
U unconditional atonement: we need to pay nothing for forgiveness (indeed we cannot)
L limited atonement: not all are saved
I irresistible grace: once called, your eyes will be open, you won’t be able to shut them anymore
P perseverance of the saints: we will face difficulties in this world, since our enemies consist of our own selves, other sinners and the devil himself.
I say this because fixing our government (even permanently) does not solve the God sized hole in our hearts, and there’s no good within ourselves apart from God. This is important to remember as we continue the battle, to know none of us earned salvation or righteousness so we ought to show grace for those not yet awake.
And that, my friends, is true strength.
So there’s a 2 answers (that I know of) to that question, without knowing God’s thoughts, I can’t guarantee an answer (not to say these are 💯 correct, just the most feasible answer I know of):
Christ’s death is for all the world, meaning no nation is exempt from salvation (no longer tied to only the Israel)
All sins of all mankind are forgiven, which voids God’s immediate anger from eviscerating them here and now, but Christ only gives his perfect following of the law to those he has chosen. This is because not only is sinlessness required, but also active obedience. The Ten Commandments are not just negative commands, but there are positive commands required of you, see Jesus’ own explanation of a few of the Ten Commandments.
There are many places in the Bible when it speaks of those NOT saved, those not taken up to “Abraham’s bosom” meaning salvation is limited. Look up also “the book of life” throughout the Bible as well.
Much brotherly love to all fellow Christians and even non-Christians, I know not each person’s end.