posted ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS +20 / -0



6 days ago,

WPTZ - Planet Fitness locations across VT and in Northern New York added to string of nationwide HOAX bomb threats.

See how they did that?

They slip the word HOAX into the storyline, to forum slide, or search slide, the fact that these bombs threats were an actual "hoax",

and based on the police-response in local communities, we should be able to determine who ultimately paid for these police responses.

was it done under a "training" budget"?

like so many "active shooter drills"

these threats were obviously fake,

because we all know good and well that if you or i would do something like that, we would be in jail already.

the FBI is frantically scouring their database for MK ultra sleepers