Just relaying some interesting info from my Telegram feed.
The VIC Police lost their Supreme court case for reprimanding police officers who refused the jab. Their actions were quashed by the Supreme court! It looks like costs may be awarded as well though it's too early to tell.
Thanks to Just_Krystle_M on Twitter for sharing this story. She states that no mainstream media has covered it yet so - you know what to do. We ARE the media now so share and share this excellent news!
Police officers who were reprimanded and disciplined for refusing to take the COVID-19 jab have won a case in the Supreme Court of Victoria.
The conclusion states:
73 The plaintiff’s failure to receive any dose of COVID-19 vaccine by 16 August 2022 did not constitute a breach of the VPM. Consequently, the DIO did not have power to reprimand the plaintiff for a breach of discipline. Further, the plaintiff was denied procedural fairness. First, the Charge did not provide the plaintiff with adequate notice of the alleged breach of the VPM. Second, the DIO failed to disclose to the plaintiff issues which were critical to the decision to find the Charge proven. In light of these findings it is unnecessary to address the other grounds upon which the plaintiff challenges the DIO’s decision to find the Charge proven and to reprimand him.
74 The Court shall order that the decision of the defendant made 9 December 2022 finding the Charge of failing to comply with the Chief Commissioner’s instructions proven and reprimanding him pursuant to s 132(1)(a) of the Victoria Police Act 2013 be quashed. I shall provide the parties with an opportunity to make submissions as to the cost of the proceeding. My provisional view is that the defendant should pay plaintiff’s costs on a standard basis, to be taxed in default of agreement. (all emphasis in these 2 paragraphs added)
Just when I thought the entire justice system was complicit and corrupt, a decision like this one is made! This is huge news - which is why it apparently hasn’t been covered by the presstitutes in the MSM.
Congratulations Simon P Shearer and his legal team. I believe though he is the only one named, there are many other officers and employees involved in this case. I hope it costs the already bankrupt State of Victoria a fortune to compensate these people. Enough so that when the next plandemic comes around, they will think twice about doing this again.
That's a very nice win.