I was so hoping it was Bye bye bye by N-synch being blasted, but Ice Ice Baby works too.
At least in Australia they just breathalyse you and within 30 secs they know your breath alcohol content, rather than these BS field sobriety tests that take forever and seem so open to interpretation.
Protest about state of the infrastructure by digging up a local road and making it much worse ... 🤣🤣🤣
Just proving the point that any knucklehead can destroy things.
Sadly they dont seem to be interested in or capable of making/building/improving anything, just wrecking them.
Milli reminds me of that obnoxious woman from the Drew Carey show.
Same here in Aus too.
The Wonderful Company ... And one of their products is Fiji water.
Got me wondering if it was comms when Trump was drinking a bottleof Fiji water at a press conference a while back
DrPhil: You been charged with sex crimes with children? ... "Not really"
DrPhil: Not really? And never been deported? ... "No"
Just how does one "not really" get charged with child sex crimes?
Maybe they need to advertise this type of videos 24/7 so sheeple start waking up to the reality of the type of migrants currently being targetted for deportation.
which is slated to occur 11.3
Hmm ... 11.3 can also designate 11th March as a date
Just interesting to see everything starting to fall into line .. finally.
Thanks for linking.
Wouldn't be surprised to find out Q is AI.
Been thinking this I saw Santas Hammer painting signed QiAi (Q i AI).
Also remember Santa with Hammer painting was signed QiAi. Wouldnt surprise me at all if we discovered Q was/is an AI based supercomputer
The $ value it was originally sold for in some dodgy deal does not equal "worth".
He looks ready to RUMBLE!
$770 payment.. or loan, like NC after the hurricane.
Dont know about parasites, but a weakened immune system certainly helps cancerous cells proliferate.
Stop allowing rice and cotton growers in one of the driest continents.
We have already adopted enough American culture over here (like Halloween, Black Friday sales etc) tyvm - dont need any more.
The joke of this is many pharmaceutical actives have multiple effects ie aspirin is used for pain relief but can also is used for blood thinning.
Nothing suggests fenben or ivermectin's usage is solely limited to deworming, and as we are discovering there is compelling evidence suggesting they are both have displayed very potent anti cancer actions, which you would think would warrant more thorough investigation.
I am all for RFK raising these sorts of issues and hopefully increasing the acceptance and use of these effective yet cheaper alternatives to standard pharma-medicinal options.
Pity a Medal of Freedom is nothing like the Get Out of Jail Free card.
You think its been given to her and ballbag eyes (Emporer Soros) ironically? Cause once they are captured (and sentenced for their various crimes) they both never seeing freedom again.
Ours is not to predict, datefag or reason why ... Ours is to remember Future proves Past. ie watch whats happening in the world and look for ties back to Q posts.
We dont need to know the plan, just have faith that its all going to plan.
Inflation is just another name for theft of your hard earned cash.
Think Q said 7 out of 10 crashes are planned, or something of the sort.
Wondering who may have been on the plane that warranted removal by this means.
Text copied from linked post
So let me get this straight, Matt Gaetz gets selected for Attorney General
- Vows to target Congress insider trading
- Calls Ukraine a money laundering operation
Magically has underage sexual assault ALLEGATIONS, not charges, publicly released BUT the Congress reps who used $17 million in taxpayer money to settle sexual assault charges are allowed to keep it a secret along with the Jeffrey Epstein client list?
Yeah right. US Congress is organized crime
Thomas Massie “Congress has paid over $17 million in hush money for se*ual misconduct inside Congress. That was taxpayer money”
Dont forget we had a White Australia policy until the early 1970s, so only European migrants would be accepted. But amazing how much our societal mix has changed over the past 50 years.