135 Israel’s war on Gaza live: Mass graves show evidence of torture, executions (www.aljazeera.com) 🤢 These people are sick! 🤮 posted 322 days ago by OSS_1 322 days ago by OSS_1 +138 / -3 Tortured, executed, buried alive: Gaza officials detail mass grave evidence Evidence clearly shows Israeli troops carried out killings and abuses with 392 bodies now recovered, civil defence says. 80 comments share 80 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I know, right? How dare we read a source not owned by Israel and then discern for ourselves.
The fact thar you take an Islamic source seriously is concerning. It is a religion which views lying to non believers as moral.
Trust neither to be completely accurate - take neither side: https://zeroaggressionproject.org/gracearchy/israeli-palestinian-conflict-gracearchy-95/