Biblically the word GAY was used before its meaning was changed by modern dictionary, and eventually hijacked by homo's.
From the ancient greek LAMPROS.
Outline of Biblical Usage [?]
clear, transparent
splendid, magnificent
splendid things i.e. luxuries or elegancies in dress or style
Same as homo's hijacked God Covenant, the rainbow and everything else that Satan tries to subvert from God.
The bible just called them reprobates sometimes sodomites, men who are void of judgement. That I can tell they didn't give the individual actor a name just that they had given themselves over to devil spirits. The bond of iniquity. It's a malady like any bondage the adversary has men bound to. Jesus Christ came to free all men from all bondage. Set at liberty the captives, free men's minds with the truth so men would not be relegated to only the influence of the five senses. Spiritual light. The invitation is to all because God so loved the people in the world he gave His only begotten son.