Trump's latest stand on abortion topic while torching Gavin Newscum for his failures in California
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Total abortion bans won’t be accepted until people recognize the humanity of the baby in the womb. The Bible clearly says that this is a creation by God in his own image. Too many people have gotten too distant from God to think that there are circumstances where it’s OK to kill a baby in the womb. Some older and even ancient cultures were more humane on abortion than we are today. The original Hippocratic Oath had doctors swear that they would never perform an abortion.
BLC....For a Saturday...YOU have typed a handful and that is EXACTLY what people are missing here...
One side has the Christian side of Bear the Child and the other side, murder a child for any reason...
The Republican Party MUST ASSUME the mantle of Life and let the dems wallow in their delusions that one can have an abortion at anytime...
I get your point, but the point I started this thread with is that the American people need a serious change of heart before a there are laws that truly respect the sanctity of life.