It’s not a Chemtrail though. Modern Chaff is Extremely small Aluminum coated Fibre. Often Glass if I remember correctly. And it’s used to disrupt Radar Locks, and other scanning.
Still potentially hazardous to your health. But it’s not a chemical.
I have lived in florida my whole life, and what I notice is that by the military bases and bombing ranges, there are chemtrails, chaff, whatever you feel comfortable calling it. I am trying to wake people up to reasons of why we are seeing streaks in the skies. Chemtrails are what people are used to hearing, which is why I am using the term chaff so people can research what is going on. Why don't you help me out by backing me up instead of trying to prove me wrong. This is why people can't get to the truth. The in in-fghting needs to stop! I have so much personal information that I choose not to share because of this scenario. Or maybe i spelled something wrong, and you can chastise me about that. Work with each other people.
One take is there’s a few different groups spraying their own cocktails. Some aware of each other. Others not. One group is spraying to discourage the presence of and aid in the detection of UFOs and other unknown Aircraft in our atmosphere. Until more reliable and effective counter measures are created. With the negative health effects on the wider population being considered a necessary evil. As they believe the entities controlling the craft pose a threat to the survival of the Human Species collectively.
Another is quite deliberately out to poison/harm people.
There’s a third while they haven’t set out specifically to directly harm people. Aren’t adverse to it happening over the course of their experiments. They just want to study the scientific/weather effects of introducing various chemicals and metal particles. Any adverse affects aren’t really their problem in their eyes.
And before anyone starts yelling at me. It’s not a theory I ascribe to. Just one I’m relaying to add another perspective.
I truly believe they are poisoning us
Research "is chaff bad for the environment" chaff is the term the military uses for a type of chemtrail
It’s not a Chemtrail though. Modern Chaff is Extremely small Aluminum coated Fibre. Often Glass if I remember correctly. And it’s used to disrupt Radar Locks, and other scanning.
Still potentially hazardous to your health. But it’s not a chemical.
I have lived in florida my whole life, and what I notice is that by the military bases and bombing ranges, there are chemtrails, chaff, whatever you feel comfortable calling it. I am trying to wake people up to reasons of why we are seeing streaks in the skies. Chemtrails are what people are used to hearing, which is why I am using the term chaff so people can research what is going on. Why don't you help me out by backing me up instead of trying to prove me wrong. This is why people can't get to the truth. The in in-fghting needs to stop! I have so much personal information that I choose not to share because of this scenario. Or maybe i spelled something wrong, and you can chastise me about that. Work with each other people.
Could you provide a link to the other site?
I’ve heard quite a few takes.
One take is there’s a few different groups spraying their own cocktails. Some aware of each other. Others not. One group is spraying to discourage the presence of and aid in the detection of UFOs and other unknown Aircraft in our atmosphere. Until more reliable and effective counter measures are created. With the negative health effects on the wider population being considered a necessary evil. As they believe the entities controlling the craft pose a threat to the survival of the Human Species collectively.
Another is quite deliberately out to poison/harm people.
There’s a third while they haven’t set out specifically to directly harm people. Aren’t adverse to it happening over the course of their experiments. They just want to study the scientific/weather effects of introducing various chemicals and metal particles. Any adverse affects aren’t really their problem in their eyes.
And before anyone starts yelling at me. It’s not a theory I ascribe to. Just one I’m relaying to add another perspective.