114 According to Zerohedge: According to its own financial statements, just released last month, the Fed’s total unrealized losses are almost $1 TRILLION — $948.4 BILLION to be more precise. And the vast majority of those unrealized losses come from US Treasuries (twitter.com) 💥 BANK COLLAPSE 💥 posted 318 days ago by Excelsior 318 days ago by Excelsior +114 / -0 19 comments share 19 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I don’t understand what a loss means in this sense. Loss implies income doesn’t it? The fed doesn’t raise money. Can anyone help me understand?
You buy a stock at $100 it dips to $60, you have an unrealized loss of $40.
The feds balance sheet is mostly made up of treasuries which they bought at a higher price, thus the unrealized losses