Well its really easy. Just type archive.is in the web browser and there will be detailed info there. But basically you just copy paste a URL into the first text box and click save. It will take a minute to do so and will redirect you to the archived page it made. Then you just copy that URL to share with people. Sometimes these news sites have that "click to continue reading" button which might prevent the archived page from loading the whole article, maybe clicking that button before copying the URL to archive might work. But they put that click to continue feature in to get more traffic on their site basically ensuring they get double the numbers if you want to read the whole thing. But if the story is from a biased outlet that is clearly writing hit jobs then to be honest its not worth reading in its entirety in the first place.
I'm a 67 year old woman and I haven't clue to how to "archive" an article but I will if you will teach me with step by step instructions.
Well its really easy. Just type archive.is in the web browser and there will be detailed info there. But basically you just copy paste a URL into the first text box and click save. It will take a minute to do so and will redirect you to the archived page it made. Then you just copy that URL to share with people. Sometimes these news sites have that "click to continue reading" button which might prevent the archived page from loading the whole article, maybe clicking that button before copying the URL to archive might work. But they put that click to continue feature in to get more traffic on their site basically ensuring they get double the numbers if you want to read the whole thing. But if the story is from a biased outlet that is clearly writing hit jobs then to be honest its not worth reading in its entirety in the first place.
I think I can do that and will do that from now on thanks to you. This is how we grow our community. Thanks fren.