posted ago by russiah ago by russiah +18 / -0

This guy is asking for signatures to put RFK Jr on the ballot as Independent...in a Costco parking lot.

He sounded like die hard Democrat just minutes into the conversation after we talked about gas prices, "J6", and "Trump is a criminal, Tucker Carlson is nut job". "The country is much better than 30 years ago", "I live in New York City and I don't see any problems "🙄 I was like ok are you fkg serious.

He didn't get into much detail why we should support Rfk Jr, while at the same time He truly believes Bidens gonna win NY...

Is it a psyop now to put Rfk Jr on the ballot to hurt Trump's vote???

It could hurt Bidens votes too right?

Thought they had a cause, but now it Smells fishy nonetheless