Little by little, I have been moved in my opinions about Justice being doled out to these Criminals, and it seems I'm almost Black Pilled, I wish it weren't this way, but I seriously do not see things getting better, nor any of these criminals receiving any form of Punishment for their Crimes....
Nothing like annotation if all their crimes for convictions at trial.
Right, LOL, a Trial that'll never happen....
Little by little, I have been moved in my opinions about Justice being doled out to these Criminals, and it seems I'm almost Black Pilled, I wish it weren't this way, but I seriously do not see things getting better, nor any of these criminals receiving any form of Punishment for their Crimes....
You have to get them all or there will be replacements. Meaning in 20 years or less we are right back to where we are today.
With everything going on in this Time Period, the list of people that are on that list, is gargantuan....
Amen, the SWAMP was a lot bigger then most people realized.