Yes, but other than assassinating four presidents; attempting to assassinate at least four others; rigging our elections; poisoning our water and food; sending us off to die in dozens of foreign wars to obtain, protect, transport, and run cover for drug and human trafficking operations; chopping the genitals off our children; modifying our dna; rewriting our history; confiscating all our wealth; importing the third world; and attempting to subjugate us to an eternal slavery under the watchful eye of an AI driven robot army, what sort of paranoid drivel have you been reading to make you think they’re warring against us?
No one has yet explained the airline logistics that show how somehow thousands of people are successfully keeping secret the insanely complex and expensive airline logistics operations sufficient to account for enough planes to spraying six or ten "chemtrails" over 250+ chemtards in five continents
They aren't keeping it much of a secret. I'm not sure why they do it but contrails dissipate and these dont. I sometimes think it is to obscure views from space or just block the sun. Don't know which but it does both. Some think more devious reasons are afoot. How long have we known about the pedophilia, child trafficking and the complexity of those operations? Not long And they kept it very under wraps and we now know millions are involved. It's not about secrecy, it's about distraction. .
This has kept me awake for more than one night. Not a single whistleblower to be found. Those pilots and techs must be making some serious bank. And they were probably told that they are saving the Earth, from a top secret threat.
Yes, but other than assassinating four presidents; attempting to assassinate at least four others; rigging our elections; poisoning our water and food; sending us off to die in dozens of foreign wars to obtain, protect, transport, and run cover for drug and human trafficking operations; chopping the genitals off our children; modifying our dna; rewriting our history; confiscating all our wealth; importing the third world; and attempting to subjugate us to an eternal slavery under the watchful eye of an AI driven robot army, what sort of paranoid drivel have you been reading to make you think they’re warring against us?
No one has yet explained the airline logistics that show how somehow thousands of people are successfully keeping secret the insanely complex and expensive airline logistics operations sufficient to account for enough planes to spraying six or ten "chemtrails" over 250+ chemtards in five continents
They aren't keeping it much of a secret. I'm not sure why they do it but contrails dissipate and these dont. I sometimes think it is to obscure views from space or just block the sun. Don't know which but it does both. Some think more devious reasons are afoot. How long have we known about the pedophilia, child trafficking and the complexity of those operations? Not long And they kept it very under wraps and we now know millions are involved. It's not about secrecy, it's about distraction. .
The last comment was intended to be agreement with the thesis via mocking of the antithesis, sorry if the joke didn’t land.
Also removed “air” from the comment :-)
This has kept me awake for more than one night. Not a single whistleblower to be found. Those pilots and techs must be making some serious bank. And they were probably told that they are saving the Earth, from a top secret threat.