This guy is talking about the increasing rate of deaths from the unsafe and ineffective clot shots. The graphs show the increase in deaths from cancer and sudden cardiac events based on the CCD's own mortality data starting with the vaccine rollout.
The invisible enemy that strikes unpredictably is the death from turbo cancer or heart attacks/heart failure in people who were vaxxed, and according to the data, those deaths are rapidly increasing.
It’s interesting that sudden cardiac arrest remains around 550 excess per week. The running average all-cause mortality in the USA is around 55,000 per week, so this is an additional 1% excess deaths from cardiac arrest alone—across the 0-54 age group. That’s 28,000 dead per year. That’s the war deaths.
This guy is talking about the increasing rate of deaths from the unsafe and ineffective clot shots. The graphs show the increase in deaths from cancer and sudden cardiac events based on the CCD's own mortality data starting with the vaccine rollout.
The invisible enemy that strikes unpredictably is the death from turbo cancer or heart attacks/heart failure in people who were vaxxed, and according to the data, those deaths are rapidly increasing.
It’s interesting that sudden cardiac arrest remains around 550 excess per week. The running average all-cause mortality in the USA is around 55,000 per week, so this is an additional 1% excess deaths from cardiac arrest alone—across the 0-54 age group. That’s 28,000 dead per year. That’s the war deaths.
Wow. I didn't go that far into analyzing the actual numbers, I just looked at the trends. The actual numbers are horrifying.