LightOneSingleCandle 4 points ago +4 / -0

I noticed the weird names too. It made the article sound more like comms than actual news.

LightOneSingleCandle 1 point ago +1 / -0

So did Adam Schiff pack women's clothing?

LightOneSingleCandle 6 points ago +6 / -0

We are the kids in the back seat asking "are we there yet" because we don't know the route or how long the trip will take, but the driver is aware and choosing the safest route.

There's so much happening behind the scenes that we don't know about. We need to interpret and understand current events from that perspective. Take note of how events are accelerating, including the Trump prosecutions, Democrats changing laws to allow illegal immigrants and convicted felons to vote, even undermining the electoral college, putting abortion on the ballots and fear mongering about women being arrested for fleeing across state lines to obtain abortion, and understand that these show the DS expending ammunition.

They are losing and they know it, but they will continue to play whatever cards they have left. They cannot admit defeat and surrender because this battle is an existential crisis for them. This is the end of their reign of terror and they will prolong it for as long as they can.

LightOneSingleCandle 2 points ago +2 / -0

Looks like they're throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks - zombie deer disease, measles, TB, antibiotic resistant gonorrhea, mystery respiratory virus in Argentina, and a case of bubonic plague.

LightOneSingleCandle 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sure, but apparently there were plans to circumvent that.


Although, I think they could "find" the votes for approval since Congress would probably be exempted.

LightOneSingleCandle 2 points ago +2 / -0

This exchange was so very disturbing. Looks like the DS plans to cut off water supplies and blame it on global warming or some other nonsense. A few years ago the EPA started restricting rain water collection in some areas.

LightOneSingleCandle 2 points ago +2 / -0

They've known it all along. There's just too much evidence coming out for them to refute it any longer.

LightOneSingleCandle 1 point ago +1 / -0

Right. This is why it will take a precipice event to awaken the rest. So many are so thoroughly and obliviously brainwashed that they dismiss the truth when it is presented to them. Once you see the pattern and the control strings, you can't unsee it and you realize just how vast and insidious it is.

LightOneSingleCandle 17 points ago +17 / -0

Sure this has been their excuse for decades, and its hard to see past it because it has become so accepted.

They even change our language to make it easier to say and remember, sounds "better", etc. but the true motive is infiltration. They need to blend in so they hide the true nature behind nicer-sounding names. They change the definition of terms to disguise their true intentions.

It started innocuously...

Mentally retarded became special then mentally challenged now autistic (they expanded the definition of autistic to include the mentally retarded)

Black became African American

Baby became fetus (fetus is the clinical term for a child in utero, but they think it sounds better to kill a fetus than a baby)

Homosexual became gay

Infanticide became eugenics then abortion now women's healthcare

Racism became DEI

Transvestite became transgender

Pedophile became minor attracted person

Illegal aliens became undocumented immigrants now newcomers

Genetic modification has been integrated into the term vaccine

Any and all relationships have been integrated in the term marriage and family.

Indoctrination has become teaching

The American flag has become a symbol of hatred

The list goes on, but this post is too long already. Everyone needs to think for themselves, but the process of waking up goes for all of us. Just like we accepted that PUFAs, plant-based diets, avoiding sun exposure, and taking medications are better for our health, we have accepted the dumbing down in our language, even in the names of celebrities. We need to be able to see it for what it is in every manifestation.

Its all part of the same agenda, however benign it may appear.

LightOneSingleCandle 1 point ago +1 / -0

True, and the complete resistance to prosecution for the family indicates that protection remains in place, but seems to be "limited" to the press and the DOJ/FBI. The public has turned or is turning against Biden since he was elected, and no amount of cheerleading/gaslighting by the press will change any minds except for the wealthy or the weak of mind. Right now he is hated for economic destruction, next will be his evil lifestyle.

LightOneSingleCandle 12 points ago +12 / -0

J6, the Hunter Biden laptop, Ashley Biden diary, and Donald Trump prosecutions show that no legitimate crime is needed because they will make one up however ludicrous and flimsy. They choose the prosecutors, judges, and juries and they blackmail/threaten anyone who resists. They also accelerate and publicize the process as part of their intimidation tactics to make an example of their targets, so it is indeed incongruous that they would sit on sealed indictments and keep them secret if we were the targets.

LightOneSingleCandle 4 points ago +4 / -0

They may have been leaked to the targets, just not publicly announced.

"Those who scream the loudest have the most to lose."

There have been an increasing number of arrests for child porn and trafficking, which raises the possibility that at least some of the protection has been lost.

"One leads to another..."

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