192 If you add the times of the newest 4 shorts from the 4th Psyop Group, it equals 114. Here's Q drop 114. (media.greatawakening.win) Q-analysis! posted 314 days ago by Excelsior 314 days ago by Excelsior +195 / -3 46 comments download share 46 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Videos that add up bunched together
Resistance 0.25
Conditioning 0.29
Time 0.19
Belief 0.41
Have included this series with their time stamps what's interesting is the 4 videos above they have randomly posted with out putting any videos for the last 2 years. Videos above are snippets of the Second Ghost in Machine clip looks deliberate.
Here is Ghost in the machine series
First(2 years ago) 3.36
Second(2 days ago) 3.12
Watching ghost in machine here are some numbers that have came up in the video.
Phone - numbers on the bottom of the phone are 877-874-5544 Looks like a recruiting number for the US military
Tape Reel Player - can not make out the numbers in bottom right on tape reel player.
Watch Scene 1 - Watch has 11 and its focused in on the 5 area the rest is a blur.
Watch Scene 2 - hour minute hands on 9 with 11 at the bottom.
If you want to see their Youtube channel it only has these 6 Videos