Several years ago, my husband got involved in Oakanawan karate. His sensei was a woman. Tiny thing but had power. Could jump kick above her head. My husband is a big guy - 6''4" - and while he could not move as fast, his physical strength just gave him an edge. One day, he was paired with a woman with a higher belt than he had at the time to challenge him. She went a little low and he instinctively reacted with a shot to the head that made her eyes roll back. She shook it off because she knew what she had done, But it illustrates that no matter how good you are as a woman, you are always going to be handicapped with a physical disadvantage that is very hard to overcome.
Several years ago, my husband got involved in Oakanawan karate. His sensei was a woman. Tiny thing but had power. Could jump kick above her head. My husband is a big guy - 6''4" - and while he could not move as fast, his physical strength just gave him an edge. One day, he was paired with a woman with a higher belt than he had at the time to challenge him. She went a little low and he instinctively reacted with a shot to the head that made her eyes roll back. She shook it off because she knew what she had done, But it illustrates that no matter how good you are as a woman, you are always going to be handicapped with a physical disadvantage that is very hard to overcome.