If this happens then I predict Michael, um, I meant Michelle's secret will get EXPOSED! Then what will they do? PANICK IN DC! Get your popcorn ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
🧠 These people are stupid!
bet you 4 to 1 Trump has already got the plan in place. the can replace biden if they want but the optics gets worse and worse the longer they Delay it and the convention is still in Chicago.
Q and the boys have all the comms so the white hats know exactly what's going on in Barry's camp. I would not be surprised if Mike came out as a tranny just to gain back some of the folks who left for Trump. Waving the tranny banner in front of stupid college kids is like a moth to a flame. They will trudge back to the tranny party and all will be well in their tiny universe. Q knows this will happen and I bet he has a plan to counteract any scenarios the Obama's have in place.
The tranny thing has run its course with the younger crowd. They are a minute percentage and are HATED by the normal kids, they are sick and tired of walking on eggshells around the mental patients, while having their rights to not have them in the locker room or taking all the first place podiums from hard working female athletes.
That's only if the tranny thing is actually popular with the majority. It's not. The MSM have psychologically projected it is, but that's fake. Black people HATE trannies and gays and would resent being lied too. Plus, such a revelation would draw the ire of the lghdtv community because both of them (while posing as a straight couple) were openly opposed to gay marriage. Michelle can't afford to be exposed, plus the story surrounding her "children" isn't secret at all.