posted ago by cathole953 ago by cathole953 +24 / -1

Warning, bit of a rant, but I need to get this off my chest.

I have many people in my family that're awake. Even to the Israel stuff. In fact, I'd say that I live in one of the most "awake" areas in the country. I can have a random conversation with a random person at the grocery store or any other random conversation, and more often than not these days, Q will come up and people will mention how they believe in it, and how the cabal is getting ready to finally be defeated yadda yadda yadda.

But every now and then, I run into someone, and even have a few in my immediate family, that have this bizarre idea that the Q team are freaking super heros that're just here to save the day with zero casualties.

Now this thought pattern can take a lot of forms, but the one I see the most often is about Israel and Palestine. "Why are they allowing this to happen? Why're they allowing Israel to commit genocide?" etc. etc.

Now obviously, I don't have the answer, but in my mind, I've come to one of two conclusions. Either it's just a casualty of the war we're in, or it's one of those "The needs of the many" type situations.

The most recent one of these annoying arguments I've gotten into was with a family member who, for whatever reason, can't comprehend the fact that sometimes, bad things have to happen. She would not just accept that is was a casualty, so in my effort to come up with an answer, I reached the possible conclusion that perhaps, some of these people are too far gone. Even if the palestinians are innocent, they've been conditioned for generations to hate israel and the west in general. So if left alone, and with access to the various weapons and gear they have, as well as anything they may have gotten from mossad and the CIA (there's rumors that they may have some dirty bombs, but just don't use them because it would be the end of the middle east, and the islamic religion as a whole), we could have an even WORSE situation on our hands because now they don't have their handlers to tell them no. It'd just be a bunch of angry, backwards cultists (because these people are brainwashed from birth to hate everything remotely connected to israel, including the west) with nothing but hatred for the west, and access to the some of the scariest weapons possible.

Not exactly a good scenario for anyone, especially in a post cabal world.

So what else can one do except eliminate the, admittedly innocent, threat before it festers into something bigger? The same is true of israel, most israelies are just dumb and ignorant of the bigger picture. They're not part of the cabal. But they're also brainwashed from birth to think they're better than anyone else and that palestinians (and other ethnic groups) are literal animals and beneath them.

So that was the answer I gave after some pondering, maybe some groups just have to be gotten rid of if we're actually going to have a decently peaceful world for once. I might be wrong, I might be right, but it's not impossible for that to be the answer, or they could just be casualties of war. I don't know.

But none of these answers satisfied my family member. She just could not wrap her head around the concept of innocent people dying in this war, and INSISTED that if the Q team allows even a single innocent death, then they're no better than the cabal.

Does anyone else run into this? People who believe in Q and everything else, but have this dillusion that the Q team is full of miracle granting super heros who can win an ancient war against a satanic death cult without a single casuality?

If so, PLEASE share how you deal with them, so the rest of us can try and copy you.