106 Data: More Than 200,000 People On North Carolina Voter Rolls ‘Missing’ ID Numbers (thefederalist.com) 🚔 Crime & Democrats 💸 posted 310 days ago by placekicker217 310 days ago by placekicker217 +106 / -0 Data: 224K People Listed On NC Voter Rolls 'Missing' ID Numbers N.C. voter data lists more than 224,000 records since 2004 that are 'missing' both an SSN and a driver's license number. 13 comments share 13 comments share save hide report block hide replies
In a sane world, this is literally outrageous. We over analyze our current plight, and seem to be accepting of these situations more and more. Until we begin to not accept this at all, we are doomed to failure as a nation.
Almost there , the CURRENCY System is taking agonal breaths.