They would've pounced much harder if she wasn't a leftist.
As an aside, saw this on X, thought it was humorous and eerily accurate. Hope I'm not butchering it, I can't locate the tweet I got it from… "My bestest friend in the whole universe is black (Score me a virtue point!). She didn't know, so I taught her what a computer was (Score me another virtue point!). Signed, Libby White." ~ Author Unknown.
They would've pounced much harder if she wasn't a leftist.
As an aside, saw this on X, thought it was humorous and eerily accurate. Hope I'm not butchering it, I can't locate the tweet I got it from… "My bestest friend in the whole universe is black (Score me a virtue point!). She didn't know, so I taught her what a computer was (Score me another virtue point!). Signed, Libby White." ~ Author Unknown.