Unpopular Opinion. Pathetic & useless speeches. Her speech of pain and complaining is ineffective because it doesn't name the problem. It diverts attention to "The migrants" as if some barefoot African has any political power. Only when you can "OPENLY" name them in public, on a podium, will we stand a chance.
Despite the dire situation she is in she doesn't want to be hauled off to prison for naming the destructive force that has been gnawing at the floorboards of humanity. Every White person in Europe is castrated right now.
Castrated by the same rootless international parasite that has it's tentacles on all the levers of control all over Europe & has now set their sights on implementing those same anti-blasphemy laws here in USA.
Yet despite what is going on people will still bemoan "How dare you name them!" my precioussssssss. #666
Unpopular Opinion. Pathetic & useless speeches. Her speech of pain and complaining is ineffective because it doesn't name the problem. It diverts attention to "The migrants" as if some barefoot African has any political power. Only when you can "OPENLY" name them in public, on a podium, will we stand a chance.
Despite the dire situation she is in she doesn't want to be hauled off to prison for naming the destructive force that has been gnawing at the floorboards of humanity. Every White person in Europe is castrated right now.
Castrated by the same rootless international parasite that has it's tentacles on all the levers of control all over Europe & has now set their sights on implementing those same anti-blasphemy laws here in USA.
Yet despite what is going on people will still bemoan "How dare you name them!" my precioussssssss. #666