How old do you think our founding fathers were??
Ages of the Founding Fathers on July 4, 1776:
James Monroe, 18
Aaron Burr, 20
Alexander Hamilton, 21
James Madison, 25
Thomas Jefferson, 33
John Adams, 40
Paul Revere, 41
George Washington, 44
This age thing in America is so twisted. People think statesmen of old were 80 year olds like Biden. No. They were in their 20s and 30s. This waste your youth away then get serious in your 40s is a psyop. Look at the age of Beethoven, Mozart and other composers when they died. Chopin did most of his work in his teens and 20s while having tuberculosis.
Modern society is extremely unproductive.
Ancient men conquered cities put them to the sword and fire, meanwhile you go to WINE BAR with "gf" and enjoy tasteful banter. YOU ARE GAY!!