Is this a global trend, US trend, or perhaps just the Trending tailored to you via algorithms?
I used to get excited when I saw some of the "Trending"s at the right side of my X feed, until I learned that these were tailored to me because of my interests, etc, and where not what others i.e. normies, lefties, etc., with different interests would see as Trending.
It always tells me about sports and random other shit that I'm not aligned with so I just assumed nothing about "Trending" had to do with algorithms, id have to look further into the specifics
If you click on SHOW MORE at the bottom of the Trending window, it should take you to a feed where it will show
For you
If I recall correctly, there are options you can choose and adjust in order to get a better picture of what is going on in a chosen area or category, etc.
under my For You, I see this:
#CrimesAgainstHumanity 3192 posts.
But I'm not sure if this is across the globe, or just people I am following or accounts connected to me by 2 or 3 steps of connection, etc.
Ok it is algorithmically based but it still shows the total posts across X, so if there are 15k posts about trump and biden, and 4k posts about the great awakening, its still a massive W in my eyes regardless if the trend was catered to my interests.. but cool Ill definitely remember this next time, thanks man!
Is this a global trend, US trend, or perhaps just the Trending tailored to you via algorithms?
I used to get excited when I saw some of the "Trending"s at the right side of my X feed, until I learned that these were tailored to me because of my interests, etc, and where not what others i.e. normies, lefties, etc., with different interests would see as Trending.
It always tells me about sports and random other shit that I'm not aligned with so I just assumed nothing about "Trending" had to do with algorithms, id have to look further into the specifics
If you click on SHOW MORE at the bottom of the Trending window, it should take you to a feed where it will show
For you
If I recall correctly, there are options you can choose and adjust in order to get a better picture of what is going on in a chosen area or category, etc.
under my For You, I see this:
#CrimesAgainstHumanity 3192 posts.
But I'm not sure if this is across the globe, or just people I am following or accounts connected to me by 2 or 3 steps of connection, etc.
I too have CrimesAgainstHumanity for 3400, Alex
Hm yeah Id honestly think there were more than 3500 posts globally about the great awakening lol
Ok it is algorithmically based but it still shows the total posts across X, so if there are 15k posts about trump and biden, and 4k posts about the great awakening, its still a massive W in my eyes regardless if the trend was catered to my interests.. but cool Ill definitely remember this next time, thanks man!
Question: how many do you follow and how many followers?
Anyway, to be honest, I'm not sure whether these figures are for:
The US (or a specific country), or a region, or the globe, or what.
Curiously, in my own feed, it says Trending in Australia: Tucker 31.9k posts. That's fricking awesome.
So yah, I don't mean to naysay the good news, fren.
X has lived up to and exceeded my previous positive expectations.
Situation VERY different from 3 years ago!!!
Why are there 90k about Barron rn?! LOL
Its gotta be a global thing.. no possible way 90k post about Barron at 2,3,4 am XD
edit-- Ahh yep, people are yapping about him going into politics