posted ago by DankHank ago by DankHank +49 / -0

I found this very interesting website with lots of interesting info on "electrocleansing". Here are a few excerpts:

All over the internet, people are reporting surprisingly good results using electricity to combat various ailments. Sometimes it is discovered accidentally, sometimes by design, but the results are compelling.

Electric Fence cures Ross River Virus?

In 1996, it was reported by Nexus Magazine that farmers in Bunbury Australia, were using electricity to heal themselves of Ross River Virus, an Australian mosquito-borne affliction with similar symptoms to Lyme disease.

It began with a farmer in Bunbury, Australia who was diagnosed with Ross River virus, as confirmed by blood tests. One day a young bull pinned the farmer against a 7,500 volt electric fence.

After his encounter with the fence, his symptoms disappeared. Two weeks later, a workmate, also diagnosed with Ross River virus, decided to purposely try the electric fence treatment. His symptoms also disappeared. (Nexus Magazine, August-September 1996).

White Blood Cells Operate Electrically

"White cells (leukocytes) kill bacteria and pathogenic fungi by electrocuting them. Discovered by Jacques Schrenzel and Karl Heinz Krause, Geneva University Hospital, Switzerland, this defense mechanism is triggered as soon as receptors of the white cell detect the microbe's presence." Translated from Science & Vie, September 1998

Eliminating Blood Parasites

Using a darkfield microscope, the late Dr. Alfons Weber of Germany discovered parasites in the blood cells of all his cancer patients. Two healing practitioners in Berlin, Bea Langhammer and Thomas Blasig, have observed that the quickest way to clear the parasites from the blood cells is the use of blood electrification and magnetic pulsing, along with a nutritional program.

A shocking cure for snake bites

Dr. Ronald Guderian, a missionary doctor from Seattle, is given credit for being the first to use high voltage DC to treat snakebites. He has "successfully treated more than 60 cases in the Esmeraldas Province of Ecuador."

Dr. Guderian's success has been with using the Stun Gun made by Nova Technologies. Based on Dr. Guderian's experience it seems that if the treatment is received within 15 to 20 minutes after the bite has been inflicted, then the pain stops almost immediately and no swelling will occur.

If swelling has already started, then it stops and the pain soon subsides. Dr. Guderian typically uses a Nova Technologies stun gun with one of the electrodes modified so that the current can be passed directly through the limb by placing an electrode on each side.

Dr. Guderian began the high voltage DC shock treatment, not on snakebites, but originally on stings and bites from scorpions, ants, bees, wasps, and other kinds of insects.

All of the successful treatments have been performed with 20,000 to 25,000 volts or more. It has to be DC voltage, too.

Excerpt from Outdoor Life Magazine, June 1988

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