He is correct. The US entered WWIi after we were bombed at Pearl Harbor & Germany declared war on us. We did not enter to stop the extermination of the Jews…we didn’t even know about it until we liberated the death camps. Over 1 million Jews and others had already been murdered and experimented on. He is correct…no nation came to their aid as they were being rounded up and sent to the death camps.
Work camps. They didnt starve until the allies cut the german supply lines at the end of the war. Also have you seen the red cross document showing 247k not 6 million? Odd to say the least! Not to say the atrocities that were commited werent horrendous, but in the scale of all that happened in ww2 its really just a blip compared to all the others who lost their lives that just isnt taught these days.
My great-uncle was a POW in Germany, and they lived in borderline starvation. He was "lucky" (in that he got a bit more food) to be on a detail that wheeled in carts dead POWs to their final destination. When he was liberated, he weighed 85 lbs. He said that after their liberation, just down the road was a warehouse - stocked to the ceiling with Red Cross packages that the POWs never received. This is from his journal, only allowed to be released to family after his death because he wanted to record his experiences but not have to relive them with discussions. Can't speak for the Jewish prisoners, but nothing the Nazis did would surprise me, based on - at least - my uncle's accounts.
I worked with a kind old Jewish/German gentleman in my last job. He’s passed on now but I’m pretty sure he’d take issue with the term “work camps”. He and his brother escaped Germany on foot and was able to get to Britain. He got on a ship to the USA (where he met his wife who also escaped). When he got to the US he joined our army. His entire family was murdered in the “work camp” including his mother, father, two sisters and several aunts & uncles with their children. I don’t believe he ever recovered their remains. He came here with absolutely nothing, turned and fought against his own country and came back here and raised two boys (became doctors) and built a little business. Death camp would be the term he used. There are many books written by the survivors and the soldiers that liberated them from the “work camps”. I don’t suppose all the photographs and stories are fake. Regardless, no one entered the German war to help the Jews.
Arbeit Macht Frei, doesn't sound much like a Death Camp....
To top it all off, there's lots of evidence that the horrible Conditions that the Jew Prisoners were living in, were by their own hand, they refused almost everything they needed to live....
They were offered Jobs, and turned them down, those that took jobs, ate well, slept in much better conditions....
The information is very compelling to say the least....
Either way, the Americans were the ones that pushed the Germans back to Germany, and should have been the ones to take Berlin, but nope, some asshat Clown gave it to the Commie Russians, and with that the Russians get the claim that they defeated the Germans....
But hindsight is 20/20, and in looking back, we see clearly, the Bolshevic unmitigated destruction of Russia, and also of Germany and Poland, and then, little by little, it is now all across Europe....
American General, George Smith Patton Jr. was 100% correct when he said ""We fought the Wrong Enemy""....
The facts stand, Americans made Europe SAFE for Communism that invaded from Bolshevic Russia....
And now they're doing the exact same shit to America....
At the Yad Vashem, they have the names of 5 million Jews supposedly killed in the Holocaust. They also list the place of death, if known. Over 1000 of them died in Siberia (hmm), and many living visitors to the site today find their own unique names up there. I'm sure it's just a coincidence.
"Of the 3,000 people employed on the staff at the Nuremberg Courts, 2,400 were ✡️'s" - Louis Marschalko, Hungarian Journalist "The World Conquerors"" 1958
"Confessions” from Germans were obtained via them signing prepared statements in English, a language they didn’t speak, after months of enduring horrible torture. 137/139 German defendants had their testicles crushed.
This is all a matter of Senate Congressional Record. (Page 958)
Zero evidence of any atrocities was presented. A verdict was reached on hearsay from just 2 German bureaucrats, Wilhelm Höttl and Dieter Wisliceny (who was not cross examined and went on to later retract his testimony.)
"Evidence was obtained from man who had first been kept in solitary confinement for 3 to 4 months. They were confined between four walls, with no windows, and no opportunity of exercise. Two meals a day were shoved in to them through a slot in the door. They were not allowed to talk to anyone. They had no communication with their families or any minister/priest during this period. This solitary confinement proved sufficient in Itself in some cases to persuade the Germans to sign prepared statements."
This can also be found in the link to the Senate congressional records.
He is correct. The US entered WWIi after we were bombed at Pearl Harbor & Germany declared war on us. We did not enter to stop the extermination of the Jews…we didn’t even know about it until we liberated the death camps. Over 1 million Jews and others had already been murdered and experimented on. He is correct…no nation came to their aid as they were being rounded up and sent to the death camps.
Work camps. They didnt starve until the allies cut the german supply lines at the end of the war. Also have you seen the red cross document showing 247k not 6 million? Odd to say the least! Not to say the atrocities that were commited werent horrendous, but in the scale of all that happened in ww2 its really just a blip compared to all the others who lost their lives that just isnt taught these days.
The death toll of christians in the wars of the last century is staggering. It will get worse.
My great-uncle was a POW in Germany, and they lived in borderline starvation. He was "lucky" (in that he got a bit more food) to be on a detail that wheeled in carts dead POWs to their final destination. When he was liberated, he weighed 85 lbs. He said that after their liberation, just down the road was a warehouse - stocked to the ceiling with Red Cross packages that the POWs never received. This is from his journal, only allowed to be released to family after his death because he wanted to record his experiences but not have to relive them with discussions. Can't speak for the Jewish prisoners, but nothing the Nazis did would surprise me, based on - at least - my uncle's accounts.
I worked with a kind old Jewish/German gentleman in my last job. He’s passed on now but I’m pretty sure he’d take issue with the term “work camps”. He and his brother escaped Germany on foot and was able to get to Britain. He got on a ship to the USA (where he met his wife who also escaped). When he got to the US he joined our army. His entire family was murdered in the “work camp” including his mother, father, two sisters and several aunts & uncles with their children. I don’t believe he ever recovered their remains. He came here with absolutely nothing, turned and fought against his own country and came back here and raised two boys (became doctors) and built a little business. Death camp would be the term he used. There are many books written by the survivors and the soldiers that liberated them from the “work camps”. I don’t suppose all the photographs and stories are fake. Regardless, no one entered the German war to help the Jews.
Tombstones from the Auschwitz KZ Museum. From 4 mio to 1,5 mio (it has since been revised further down to 900k).
Is the CEO of the Auschwitz KZ Camp a Holocaust denier?
Majdaned also revised the number down from 2 Mio to 30k. Is the CEO of the Majdanek KZ Camp a Holocaust denier?
Asking for a friend
Arbeit Macht Frei, doesn't sound much like a Death Camp....
To top it all off, there's lots of evidence that the horrible Conditions that the Jew Prisoners were living in, were by their own hand, they refused almost everything they needed to live....
They were offered Jobs, and turned them down, those that took jobs, ate well, slept in much better conditions....
The information is very compelling to say the least....
Either way, the Americans were the ones that pushed the Germans back to Germany, and should have been the ones to take Berlin, but nope, some asshat Clown gave it to the Commie Russians, and with that the Russians get the claim that they defeated the Germans....
But hindsight is 20/20, and in looking back, we see clearly, the Bolshevic unmitigated destruction of Russia, and also of Germany and Poland, and then, little by little, it is now all across Europe....
American General, George Smith Patton Jr. was 100% correct when he said ""We fought the Wrong Enemy""....
The facts stand, Americans made Europe SAFE for Communism that invaded from Bolshevic Russia....
And now they're doing the exact same shit to America....
At the Yad Vashem, they have the names of 5 million Jews supposedly killed in the Holocaust. They also list the place of death, if known. Over 1000 of them died in Siberia (hmm), and many living visitors to the site today find their own unique names up there. I'm sure it's just a coincidence.
"Of the 3,000 people employed on the staff at the Nuremberg Courts, 2,400 were ✡️'s" - Louis Marschalko, Hungarian Journalist "The World Conquerors"" 1958
"Confessions” from Germans were obtained via them signing prepared statements in English, a language they didn’t speak, after months of enduring horrible torture. 137/139 German defendants had their testicles crushed.
This is all a matter of Senate Congressional Record. (Page 958)
Zero evidence of any atrocities was presented. A verdict was reached on hearsay from just 2 German bureaucrats, Wilhelm Höttl and Dieter Wisliceny (who was not cross examined and went on to later retract his testimony.)
"Evidence was obtained from man who had first been kept in solitary confinement for 3 to 4 months. They were confined between four walls, with no windows, and no opportunity of exercise. Two meals a day were shoved in to them through a slot in the door. They were not allowed to talk to anyone. They had no communication with their families or any minister/priest during this period. This solitary confinement proved sufficient in Itself in some cases to persuade the Germans to sign prepared statements."
This can also be found in the link to the Senate congressional records.