posted ago by penisse ago by penisse +37 / -0

👉🏻 Link to yesterday’s post.

Holy Father, I really love to communicate with my deaf cat- She meows and purrs to catch my attention and expects her curiosity to be fulfilled in every way. Pets don’t lie. They love us unconditionally and once their physiological needs met, they just neew our presence and attention. I often pray people were as easy to deal with but then, I realise I am in no position of judging others so I try to be like my loving cat and be easy to deal with.


Today we celebrate Maiolus of Cluny.

In 972 Majolus visited the Imperial Court in Pavia and returned through the alps by way of the Saint Bernard Pass in Provence. A number of monks and others accompanying were captured by the Saracens from the stronghold of Fraxinet. Much venerated by his monks, a ransom was quickly raised. The monks responded, however, once their abbot was released, by stirring up a fury in Provence against the raiders. The peasantry and the nobles together implored their overlord William Count of Provence, to act. William, equally disturbed by the treatment of the abbot, raised a feudal host and took to the offensive. His army consisted not only of men from Provence, but also the lower Dauphiné and Nice. He defeated the Saracen raiders at the Battle of Tourtour, thus securing the mountain passes.

Today’s Deltas

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From https://findthefactors.com/2018/11/11/1286-and-level-6/

  • 1286 = 2 × 643
  • 1286 is also the sum of six consecutive prime numbers: 197 + 199 + 211 + 223 + 227 + 229 = 1286

From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1000_(number)#1200_to_1299

  • number of inequivalent connected planar figures that can be formed from five 1 X 2 rectangles (or dominoes) such that each pair of touching rectangles shares exactly one edge, of length 1, and the adjacency graph of the rectangles is a tree


  • diaseio: (1) to shake thoroughly (2) to make to tremble (3) to terrify (4) to agitate (5) to extort from one by intimidation money or other property

Matching Bible verse

  • Luk 3:14: Then some soldiers also asked him, “And as for us – what should we do?” He told them, “Take money from no one by violence or by false accusation, and be content with your pay.”

No Bible verse numerically matching 1286 or its factors…

Q DROP #1286

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See you tomorrow, frens!🤓