Trump crowd reaches up to 100,000 people, breaking historic records in deep blue New Jersey. If you're a Democrat, it's time to panic.
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No regrowth to be what we used to be. It's time to build and grow an entirely new earth.
Learn from the past and let it go. The past is a memory - it's not real as the only time is NOW, the present moment of your conscious awareness.
The past is probably all lies that's why they call it his story. A fictional story.
Since someone gave you a downvote, i'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you just didn't completely understand my context behind that, and let me explain what I meant (because I absolutely agree but you also don't seem to be on the same page my context was)
Regrow into an America that we were proud of. That our allies respected and our enemies feared. Literally just... MAGA. lol