Why am I here? You hit it on the head. Frogs make the best memes. Obviously. So where better to go to keep up with the meme war? A lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth gets outta bed. So yeah, I defined a lie. With a lie as your carrier signal you get better coverage for your message. Many messages hide in plain sight. Spread spectrum. Look for the patterns popping outta the noise floor. Learn to see the comms.
The facts may be false….Dude you hear yourself when you talk. Yo just defined a lie. Why are you here?
Why am I here? You hit it on the head. Frogs make the best memes. Obviously. So where better to go to keep up with the meme war? A lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth gets outta bed. So yeah, I defined a lie. With a lie as your carrier signal you get better coverage for your message. Many messages hide in plain sight. Spread spectrum. Look for the patterns popping outta the noise floor. Learn to see the comms.
We see them, or have been attuned to it by now. At least the possibility of a connection. But this isn't one.
Ok. I'm not sure how you know, but you're persistent so I'll take your word for it. Can you help me out and explain BarBie? I must've misinterpreted.