I am not sure but I think that was part of why Trump went to the Vatican and to England in his first term. England owns the USA Incorporated and The Vatican owns US Inc. The latter is the municipal corporation. I think both corporations are dissolved at this point however. All corporations in the world incorporate under the Vatican. What is happening now has to be military control because the Republic is not seated but the corporations are defunct. I think that is what will happen in Trumps second term. The original Republic will be reinstantiated. Here's hoping anyways.
Go read some Anna Von Reitz. Not saying it is all true but there is definitely truth in there.
Redeeming all the souls that the Western Church sold may
have been the reason that Francis called back all liquid assets to the
Vatican Bank more than a year ago.
Jan Halper- Hayes has a different opinion and has said so on a couple of Television shows in UK. Something about well over a hundred plane loads of gold.
Chicken Dinner
What happens when where they incorporated surrenders/fails ?
I am not sure but I think that was part of why Trump went to the Vatican and to England in his first term. England owns the USA Incorporated and The Vatican owns US Inc. The latter is the municipal corporation. I think both corporations are dissolved at this point however. All corporations in the world incorporate under the Vatican. What is happening now has to be military control because the Republic is not seated but the corporations are defunct. I think that is what will happen in Trumps second term. The original Republic will be reinstantiated. Here's hoping anyways.
Go read some Anna Von Reitz. Not saying it is all true but there is definitely truth in there.
Here ya go
Jan Halper- Hayes has a different opinion and has said so on a couple of Television shows in UK. Something about well over a hundred plane loads of gold.
650 planes.
Sounded to unreal to use an accurate number
Yep , the church invented corporations . Kings wanted to own the land/buildings/countries so the church said OK but we control our stuff.
"Own Nothing , but control EVERYTHING."