posted ago by Star_Commander ago by Star_Commander +32 / -0

One of these things is way more powerful than the other. Yet we aren't talking about SURA?

| Feature                    | HAARP (USA)                                   | SURA (Russia)                              |
| **Location**               | Gakona, Alaska                                | Vasilsursk, Nizhny Novgorod Region         |
| **Operational Since**      | 1993                                          | 1981                                       |
| **Primary Purpose**        | Research on ionosphere and radio communications | Research on ionosphere and radio communications |
| **Frequency Range**        | 2.8 to 10 MHz                                 | 4.5 to 9.3 MHz                             |
| **Max Power Output**       | 3.6 MW                                        | 190 MW                                     |
| **Antenna Array**          | 180 cross-dipole antennas                     | 144 dipole antennas                        |
| **Total Antenna Elements** | 180                                           | 144                                        |
| **Ownership and Management** | DARPA, USAF, USN | Russian government, operated by the Radiophysical Research Institute |
| **Research Capabilities**  | Studying the behavior of the ionosphere, testing communication and navigation system effects | Investigations into the ionosphere, including the study of artificial aurora |