Why is no time difficult? Time is merely a reference invented by humans. It does not exist as a dimension, only a reference.
A big problem for "scientists" is the lack of an open mind: they cannot conceive of anything endless, as in infinite. Therefore, they must invent beginnings/endings, such as the big bang. But if you really think about it, that theory is hilarious.
It also makes it difficult for scientists, and others, to conceive of God, since He is also endless and infinite. All religions aside, if you believe in God, the above must be true.
Think of another aspect: light. The claim is light is a particle and a wave. Conceptually, that can't be: a particle (photon) is a particle, a wave is a wave. The experiments indicate both, but the two are vastly different, since a wave consists of compressions and rarefactions, and it must have a medium through which to travel. Particles can't move along wobbling without external influence, and a particle can't change itself into a wave at will. If light is a wave, then the concept of spacial vacuum is bullshit. If light is a particle, then the wave theory of light is bullshit. Take your pick. I think Tesla was right; so does QM, if you dig far enough down that dopey junk.
So, are you saying that the ideas of “sin vs. sinless” and “before vs. after” are the equivalents of “wave vs. particle” - so “before” and “after” occur simultaneously? And if there is no such thing as time, then does that mean that they are always in existence?
No. What I'm saying is that the common version of physics is not correct: it is, effectively, a conglomeration of BS theories, built to confuse everyone. If QM were viable, there would be no need to continuously develop new explanations, particles and the like to "prove" such crap as the big bang, red shift, and so on. There would be no need to invent "virtual particles (photons)" when the BS math used demands those particles, and have them disappear when not required. Get the picture?
If you study the Teachings, with open mind and some knowledge of other philosophies, you will find such things as, "That which I have done, you can do, and more." indicating that Jesus was able to alter his reality, along with those around him. This is borne out in numerous other philosophies - you, in the final analysis, are in control of yourself. In one philosophy, all human possible realities exist at once, and you position yourself in one of those. In that particular case, it is possible to visit other 'accumulations of possibilities' that constitute other realities. Have you ever had a dream that was 'real'? The mentioned philosophy developed that in order to experience different sets.
These things have nothing to do with any organized religion. Most, aside from the standard religious beliefs, are experiential: they can only be proved to the individual who practices them. Neither do they deny God: in fact, they confirm, and practice of some of these will find you without doubt God exists.
Everything exists all at once, past, present, future, along with all possible "realities", which are 'dreams' of sorts.
Why is no time difficult? Time is merely a reference invented by humans. It does not exist as a dimension, only a reference.
A big problem for "scientists" is the lack of an open mind: they cannot conceive of anything endless, as in infinite. Therefore, they must invent beginnings/endings, such as the big bang. But if you really think about it, that theory is hilarious.
It also makes it difficult for scientists, and others, to conceive of God, since He is also endless and infinite. All religions aside, if you believe in God, the above must be true.
Think of another aspect: light. The claim is light is a particle and a wave. Conceptually, that can't be: a particle (photon) is a particle, a wave is a wave. The experiments indicate both, but the two are vastly different, since a wave consists of compressions and rarefactions, and it must have a medium through which to travel. Particles can't move along wobbling without external influence, and a particle can't change itself into a wave at will. If light is a wave, then the concept of spacial vacuum is bullshit. If light is a particle, then the wave theory of light is bullshit. Take your pick. I think Tesla was right; so does QM, if you dig far enough down that dopey junk.
So, are you saying that the ideas of “sin vs. sinless” and “before vs. after” are the equivalents of “wave vs. particle” - so “before” and “after” occur simultaneously? And if there is no such thing as time, then does that mean that they are always in existence?
No. What I'm saying is that the common version of physics is not correct: it is, effectively, a conglomeration of BS theories, built to confuse everyone. If QM were viable, there would be no need to continuously develop new explanations, particles and the like to "prove" such crap as the big bang, red shift, and so on. There would be no need to invent "virtual particles (photons)" when the BS math used demands those particles, and have them disappear when not required. Get the picture?
If you study the Teachings, with open mind and some knowledge of other philosophies, you will find such things as, "That which I have done, you can do, and more." indicating that Jesus was able to alter his reality, along with those around him. This is borne out in numerous other philosophies - you, in the final analysis, are in control of yourself. In one philosophy, all human possible realities exist at once, and you position yourself in one of those. In that particular case, it is possible to visit other 'accumulations of possibilities' that constitute other realities. Have you ever had a dream that was 'real'? The mentioned philosophy developed that in order to experience different sets.
These things have nothing to do with any organized religion. Most, aside from the standard religious beliefs, are experiential: they can only be proved to the individual who practices them. Neither do they deny God: in fact, they confirm, and practice of some of these will find you without doubt God exists.
Everything exists all at once, past, present, future, along with all possible "realities", which are 'dreams' of sorts.
In the Bible, God sometimes speaks to the prophets about things that have not yet happened in past tense.