If there was a "Jesus" being in which only through him you can be saved, then you woul have to know his original name and speak it phonetically. "Jesus" was not it.
I despise this kind of argument. Lets assume the Bible was translated wrong on the name of Jesus or even take it a step further and say that satan changed the bible some to deceive us. If we worship, pray, live our life and treat others like we want to be treated, and we do all this in the name of Jesus(who we also know to be our Savior, the Son of God), do you really think God doesnt know who we are praying to? You think some of these tribes that have found God out in the middle of nowhere and have never seen a bible are going to be punished for getting a name wrong?
Jesus goes by many names. Satan and demons flee from all of them. That is how you know they are the real names.
Then why not call him Satan then if God knows who we are praying too? Names matter. Name don't change when used in another language. Your name is the same in Japanese, Russian, English, and Farsi.
Names can be changed when there are many. Would you like a complete list of what the Bible says about the names of Jesus?
You can pray to every single one of them. I pray to Jesus and YehWeh. I could call YehWeh God, while i pray, and HE would hear and accept both of them.
If there was a "Jesus" being in which only through him you can be saved, then you woul have to know his original name and speak it phonetically. "Jesus" was not it.
I despise this kind of argument. Lets assume the Bible was translated wrong on the name of Jesus or even take it a step further and say that satan changed the bible some to deceive us. If we worship, pray, live our life and treat others like we want to be treated, and we do all this in the name of Jesus(who we also know to be our Savior, the Son of God), do you really think God doesnt know who we are praying to? You think some of these tribes that have found God out in the middle of nowhere and have never seen a bible are going to be punished for getting a name wrong? Jesus goes by many names. Satan and demons flee from all of them. That is how you know they are the real names.
Then why not call him Satan then if God knows who we are praying too? Names matter. Name don't change when used in another language. Your name is the same in Japanese, Russian, English, and Farsi.
Names can be changed when there are many. Would you like a complete list of what the Bible says about the names of Jesus? You can pray to every single one of them. I pray to Jesus and YehWeh. I could call YehWeh God, while i pray, and HE would hear and accept both of them.
Then call God, Allah then and see if he hears.