I see it with my shares, when I check my account online. The ones I transfered in are book and the ones bought through computershare are listed as plan.
Thank you for posting this information. Very helpful! I just requested all my shares to be converted to Book. I never cease to be amazed by how much I can learn from fellow anons.
My shares are in ComputerShare. How can I tell if they are in my name only?
They say book or plan.
You want book.
I am looking at my Compershare statement, from them. I do not see Book or plan anywhere. Where should I look? Should I just call them?
I see it with my shares, when I check my account online. The ones I transfered in are book and the ones bought through computershare are listed as plan.
Some or up to all of your shares are lent to the DTCC for "operational efficiency" if they are in Plan.
You can sell the fractional share and terminate the plan and it will move them to book.
You can't have a fractional share in Book.
Log into your account (or create your account if you havent already) at https://www-us.computershare.com/Investor/#Home
As soon as you login you should see your shares held at ComputerShare. Right next to them it will say Book or Plan.
If you prefer to do it over phone, you can do that too. Guide below gives you multiple ways to ensure you are in BOOK and not in Plan.
Thank you for posting this information. Very helpful! I just requested all my shares to be converted to Book. I never cease to be amazed by how much I can learn from fellow anons.