What's about 2 wks away from starting folks? The 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season.
Where do most hurricanes spawn during the first half of it? The Gulf of Mexico/Caribbean Sea.
In which direction do most of those storms travel? In a N-NW motion, most often hitting somewhere in the western Gulf, namely La and Tx.
Where does most of our oil produced in the U.S come from? The western Gulf of Mexico, namely around La and Tx.
There is a lot of water borne shipping traffic that crosses the Galveston area. I'm willing to bet that this was a coordinated strike meant to weaken the Pelican Island Bridge to a point where it either gets fully shut down or severely hampers local traffic flow in that area. All it'll take is one major hurricane and a high storm surge for 24+ hrs to weaken it more. I'm also willing to bet we end up seeing a major storm or two end up making landfall in/around the Galveston-Pelican Island area sometime between June 1 and Aug 31.
What's about 2 wks away from starting folks? The 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season.
Where do most hurricanes spawn during the first half of it? The Gulf of Mexico/Caribbean Sea.
In which direction do most of those storms travel? In a N-NW motion, most often hitting somewhere in the western Gulf, namely La and Tx.
Where does most of our oil produced in the U.S come from? The western Gulf of Mexico, namely around La and Tx.
There is a lot of water borne shipping traffic that crosses the Galveston area. I'm willing to bet that this was a coordinated strike meant to weaken the Pelican Island Bridge to a point where it either gets fully shut down or severely hampers local traffic flow in that area. All it'll take is one major hurricane and a high storm surge for 24+ hrs to weaken it more. I'm also willing to bet we end up seeing a major storm or two end up making landfall in/around the Galveston-Pelican Island area sometime between June 1 and Aug 31.