posted ago by we_kill_creativity ago by we_kill_creativity +34 / -1

The Two Movies Theory.

"You are watching a movie." Sure, and we always were, we just didn't know it until Q brought it to our attention. Everyone was ALWAYS watching a movie. You didn't just start watching the "Q movie", you actually stopped watching the controllers movie and then started watching the "Q movie". A lot of people never stopped watching the first movie...

Not to bring division into the mix, but it's a largely (though not exclusively!) generational thing. The generations that have embraced the internet are watching the "Q movie", while the generations that didn't embrace the internet are watching the "Trump on TV" movie. Once you understand this, the overall picture becomes much, much clearer.

I'm actually trying to bring us all together on this one, at least enough to make it through to the end.

I know some of the basic questions Q people are ripping their collective hair out over now: Why is this taking so long!? When is something ACTUALLY GOING TO HAPPEN!? Why did Trump say "this" about subjects A,B, and C!? etc...

Am I right?

For instance, the pandemic and the vaccine. I was damn near religious about my objection to EVER wearing a mask, letting alone getting the vaccine. To the point that I supervised a rather successful telegram group that helped educate others on how to go to court to protect themselves and their loved ones.

I'm also one of the biggest Trump/Q supporters there ever has been...

So imagine my confusion...my shock...and, honestly, my rage at watching Trump seemingly "play along with" the vaccine. Well...The Two Movies Theory perfectly explains this.

First, you have to understand that I've come to the conclusion that Operation Warp Speed was solely focused on getting the Covid bullshit over as quickly as possible in a way that still seemed responsible to the people watching the "Trump on TV" movie...

How many "Q topics" could you make a list of that would STILL make, especially, older people (still glued to the TV) think you're nuts and laugh at you? Seriously, start making lists of topics in the comments, and we can start to understand the "Trump on TV" movie and it's storyline.

If Trump would have come out and said, "The pandemic basically doesn't exist, and the vaccines are part of a vast depopulation campaign done by satan worshiping bloodline families." He would have scared a LARGE portion of his genuine supporters to death, let alone lost their support.

He definitely would have been impeached. Quickly. And I don't doubt it would work.

Trump and Team Q are currently having to do the very difficult tightrope walk of playing two movies at once with the same actors. I think it would behoove our community a ton to start analyzing things from the perspective of the 2nd movie, the "Trump on TV" movie.