Monsanto I believe had the plan. Make a higher producing product through GME which made the seed from the harvested plant worthless because they would not reproduce---therefore you have to buy more seed every year from Monsanto. Hook em and reel them in!
Monsanto I believe had the plan. Make a higher producing product through GME which made the seed from the harvested plant worthless because they would not reproduce---therefore you have to buy more seed every year from Monsanto. Hook em and reel them in!
If I remember right, from "The Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal", our good buddy Bill Gates was in on this, too.
The terminator gene
But they say they don't have it
The offspring grow and will mature. I've done it.
Not "worthless" corn = $4.64/bu soybean = $12.05/bu [ish]