OK, but do you at least agree the my initial reply to you, linked below, is me mentioning I haven't seen a metric for tracking this (meaning normies that are awake)?
And you a prime example of a normie who is barely starting to awaken, and who is proof normies are starting to wake up. Your opinion is worthless here.
OK, but do you at least agree the my initial reply to you, linked below, is me mentioning I haven't seen a metric for tracking this (meaning normies that are awake)?
Why should I agree with you? You're a normie that just woke up.
LOL you're mistaking a lack of confidence in the short and medium term outcomes for being something else.
Do you know why Rome was sacked the first time? Demographics is still destiny 1600 years later.
And you a prime example of a normie who is barely starting to awaken, and who is proof normies are starting to wake up. Your opinion is worthless here.