Interview on YouTube:
She has many more YouTube videos...some great information...
This is quite interesting as I have been treating my husband's prostate cancer with the Tippens protocol using FBZ with good results. I have read that IVM works well when added to FBZ...but this makes me wonder how effective IVM is on its' own.
My mother was diag w/cancer last December. Lots of testing and probing through January. We got her on 12mg of Ivermectin daily and come Feb the doctors seemed confused. A golf ball sized tumor on her liver, a softball sized tumor on her pancreas and another completely filling one ovary. By mid-Feb updated biopsies were all testing neg for cancer. Started her on 444mg of FenBen daily since we ran out of Ivermectin. Further testing showed the liver and pancreas tumors were all dead cells. She had surgery earlier this month to remove the ovary. She got a clean bill of health w/no cancer last week. The doctors don't know about the IV/FenBen, but they don't have any explanations for the dead tumors. We can't be sure but are hopeful that it was the IV and/or FB that fixed her up.
Would you mind sharing which FenBen you are using?
I buy capsules from