Well, they have 3 years from today to do it, which many on superstonk are saying will happen during MOASS. I also recommend reading this post from Superstonk, as it's a very interesting theory.
They announced them today, not that it's happening today. It could be between today and the next three years when they sell them, but it's the fact they announced them today, the 17th, and it was 45m (45 being Trump).
Are they really issuing these 45 million new shares?? Wouldn't that lower tne price/value? Wouldn't that be helping the naked shorters come up with these missing shares?
I also like how Gamestop announced they're issuing 45 million shares on the 17th. 45 and 17, gotta love the little details.
They could buy bobby and give each shareholder 1/2 a gme share.
I’ll take that.
Did you see this?
Proof that Ryan Cohen made a 400 million offer to the bobby board.
Issuing shares drops their value. Be very - VERY - careful.
Well, they have 3 years from today to do it, which many on superstonk are saying will happen during MOASS. I also recommend reading this post from Superstonk, as it's a very interesting theory.
? I thought they didn't specify a date
They announced them today, not that it's happening today. It could be between today and the next three years when they sell them, but it's the fact they announced them today, the 17th, and it was 45m (45 being Trump).
Okay DAMN what a proof!
Are they really issuing these 45 million new shares?? Wouldn't that lower tne price/value? Wouldn't that be helping the naked shorters come up with these missing shares?
Most likely it has to do with the (yet to be announced) merger.